Anna Beddoes to Davies Giddy, 3 January 1809

I am extremely grieved at the manner you left me this morning — Nothing you must in your heart know was further from my thoughts than doing or saying the slightest thing that would hurt the friend I so highly, & so justly value — I wish extremely you would come & drink tea with me

I am alone [1] – & perhaps can convince you of what I never thought you could doubt – how immensely I feel obliged & how grateful I am for your kindness

Do you wish to add to my present sorrow by taking from me your affection

Address: Mr D Giddy
Endorsement: Anna / 1809 / Jany the 3rd


[1] Anna’s husband Thomas had died on 24 December; Giddy had come to Bristol to help deal with the arrangements that it was now necessary to make. Beddoes’s library was sold, as was the house, 3 Rodney Place, that he and Anna had lived in.