Thomas Beddoes to Davies Giddy, 21 October 1792
Dear Giddy
On my return from Wales I found inflammatory falsehoods in full circulation in Staffordshire & Shropshire. They walked abroad in the garb of charity, & were [xxxx] attested by names likely to gain them credit with the ignorant. I thought proper to oppose the enclosed remarks to them; and I have the satisfaction to know that they have produced a considerable effect. Yet I do not believe that I have chosen the best topics offered by some copious a subject – or presented them in the most advantageous form. – I tried <7 months ago> to set on foot a county newspaper such as shd teach the people their rights & a respect for those of others. Such a paper must at first have been supported by subscription; & my democratic friends were afraid. Dumouriez, Custine & Montesquieu have revived their courage; & perhaps I shall now succeed. To me it appears extremely urgent to humanize the people, for I think our government cannot stand long; & whatever change takes place, some opportunity must be offered to savages & pillagers. I think I have found a person at Shrewsbury very capable of conducting it, but the superior populousness & more advantageous situation of Birmingham (where the toy trade is very dull) wd lead me to prefer the latter place, if I cd bring it to bear there. – I endeavoured to tempt Reynolds into Devonshire to see the pretended eruption: he was well inclined to the scheme; & wd have strained a point to get as far west as Camborne Parish; in which case we shd certainly I think have contrived to pay you a flying visit. But his immense undertakings at Chepstow, the ports & towns he is building in Shropshire, the canal he is going to cut, not exactly across the isthmus of Darien, from Atlantic to Pacific, intervened & destroyed the project.
T. Beddoes
Address: D. Giddy Esqr / Tredrea / Marazion / Cornwall // Shifnal, October, twenty first / 1792 // Free / Thos Whitmore
Endorsement: Dr Beddoes / 1792 / Octr the 21st / Enclosing a proposal for subscribing to relieve the French clergy and Reasons against subscribing by Dr Beddoes
MS: Cornish Archives MS DG 41/20