The Collected Letters of

signature of Thomas Beddoes

The Collected Letters of Thomas Beddoes.

Presented here are the edited texts of the letters of Thomas Beddoes from 1776-89. The fully annotated versions of these edited texts with their textual apparatus will be published by Cambridge University Press 2026. There are also some fully annotated texts available on this site in the sample letters section, and these are linked to from this index when appropriate.


? Oct. 1776 to Richard Beddoes
2 Oct. 1784 to Charles Brandon Trye
11 Sept. 1785 to Richard Beddoes
1785 to Charles Brandon Trye
7 May 1786 to Lazzaro Spallanzani
2 May 1787 to Sir Joseph Banks
c. 28 Sept. 1787 to Guyton de Morveau
c. 28/29 Sept. 1787 to Guyton de Morveau
Oct. 1787 to Erasmus Darwin
6 Nov. 1787 to Joseph Black
? Nov. 1787 to Erasmus Darwin
23 Feb. 1788 to Joseph Black
Oct. or Nov. 1788 to Erasmus Darwin
9 Jan. 1789 to Guyton de Morveau
10 March 1789 to William Withering
7 or 12 March 1798 to William Reynolds
March 1789 William Reynolds (1)
March 1789 William Reynolds (2) [fragment]
21 April 1789 to Joseph Black
March – May 1789 to William Reynolds
1789, May or later to Lorenz Crell
Oct. 1789 to William Reynolds [fragment]

Thomas Beddoes by Bird