Thomas Beddoes to Davies Giddy, 8 October 1792
Darwin signed the address
Dear Giddy
I find your letters but I have not read them: – I have been wandering about Wales and the Welch part of England – at present I feel all the languor of debility arising from a catarrh which attacked me most vehemently yesterday & which I cured last night by sleeping only under the covering of the sheet. I made many exps in the night – by drawing the other cloaths over me excitement came on – I grew restless & watchful & et tout frissonant – On recovering them I became drowsy & calm. At last during this state I lost myself – I am well but languid.
If Beurnonville is Ajax, Dumouriez is Hercules – He is the greatest of the tamers <subduers> of monsters. I have had the Moniteur of the 3rd of Octr since last nights post. – you shall hear soon of Sin Volta’s &c exps – I think to be able to apply them so as to create a new system of medicine. Burn the letter.
[Enclosure: ‘Sufferings of the French Refugees’ – a printed appeal for donations ]
Address: D. Giddy Esqr / Tredrea / Mazarion / Cornwall // Shifnal Oct eighth 92 // free / I H Browne
Endorsement: Doctor Beddoes / 1792 / Octr the 8th
MS: Cornish Archives MS DG 41/54