Thomas Beddoes to Davies Giddy [before and on 13 August 1792]

Dear Giddy

I am not at all surprised & am glad to hear you are disappointed by the fate of your project – I have not a doubt of its propriety; & I can easily conceive that spite, stupidity & Pride wd conspire agt it with greater zeal, as it is was more excellent – thanks to the light spread by the proclamation over the land, no man need now be at a loss for an argument in politics; that which decided the meeting at Bodmin must doubtless be productive of infinite comfort & conviction to those who are masters of it.

I lately sent seeds of the stipa pennata under an episcopal cover I send more chaff than seeds I fear of the Briza Media; but some rude hand brushed away a parcel of good seeds & I can now find none better than that I enclose – But chaff shd grow when it has been so long near the mark of a sanctified & sanctifying hand –

The fate of Oxford, you see, is decided – That miserable paper the Genl Evg Post has not <indeed> announced it, but it was in the Star of the same day; I wd exchange the G. E. P. for the Star which & the Morning Chronicle are two very well conducted newspapers –

I think after a good deal of reflection that I have fallen upon the specific cause of the French calamities – my hypothesis at least reconciles several seeming contradictory which had before puzzled me exceedingly – I hope the Empress of Russia who <has> may <thus> succeed<ed> in trampling the Polish constn under her feet will not be able to bring her forces to bear agt the French this campaign. If any thing can increase one’s indignation agt the foolish violence of the French parties, it is surely the courage & conduct of the soldiers & natl guard & the D of Brunswick by his proclamations has endeavoured to render their cause a most essential service.

T. Beddoes

Fayette not to be accused by 182 majority
all the men of ability in the assembly in the majority

Address: Oxford. Augst 13 / Davies Giddy Esqr / Tredrea / Marazion // Oxford, August the thirteenth, 1792 / To / Davies Giddy Esq / Tredrea / Marazion / Cornwall / Free / E. Oxford
Endorsement: Doctor Beddoes / 1792 / Augt the 13th
MS: Cornish Archives MS DG 41/23 and 41/32

The full versions of these letters with textual apparatus will be published by Cambridge University Press.