Thomas Beddoes to William Reynolds, June 1792 [fragment]

The author affirms, in his preface, that his poem was not only written, but nearly printed, before the appearance of the Economy of Vegetation, and the third edition of the Loves of the Plants. From a letter to his friend Reynolds, dated in June, 1792, it appears that his work was then in the press; as he requests him to use his influence with the printer to hasten the publication. β€˜I have,’ he continues, β€˜an urgent reason for wishing it to appear as soon as possible; and this is, that in the new part of Darwin, there occur many phrases and epithets so analogous to mine, that a much longer delay will make it appear as if I borrowed or stole, where I most certainly invented.’

Published: Stock, p. 62

The full versions of these letters with textual apparatus will be published by Cambridge University Press.